Moral Stories in English

Moral Stories in English: Women are the enemies of women

Today there was the same kind of peace all around the house, as it happens after a storm has passed. Just then, breaking the peace, came the voice of mother-in-law Madhu ji,

“Hey daughter-in-law, why do you feel so bad if your husband slaps you? The poor guy comes home tired and exhausted after working all day long. He throws tantrums at you. He feeds you. In return, he got upset and raised his hand. What happened that you are making such a big deal out of it?”

Madhu ji scolded her daughter-in-law loudly.
“Now, sister-in-law, if you are done washing your clothes, serve the food immediately. We all are feeling hungry here. If the food is not served on time, then brother will do a lot of washing for you again. Then don’t say that we did not explain. One So you make a mistake and blame your husband.”

Sister-in-law Devika interrupted.
But daughter-in-law Damini did not stand up from her place. Her tears were showing no signs of stopping. Seeing him crying, Madhu ji said,
“Daughter-in-law, there is no need to be so delicate. Get up quickly and prepare food. Devika and I will serve the food ourselves.”
Saying this Madhu ji went out of the kitchen.
“Now get up. What a drama. Now mummy has put me to work along with you. Cook the food quickly so that I can quickly serve it for you and mummy.”
Saying this, Devika also came out.
And only Damini was left in the kitchen. Somehow she gathered her tattered self-respect and stood up. He could not understand what to do. He had never seen such an atmosphere at home. Mother, brother and sister-in-law were all there in the maternal house, only the father was not there. But still there was a lot of peace in the house. Brother respected sister-in-law completely. But she had never even thought about this aspect of her husband, nor had she seen it anywhere in her relatives.

Once I thought of calling my mother and telling her everything. But how at this time? Sister-in-law has a daughter. The mother is busy taking care of them and taking care of the house. Then I thought I should call my brother. But brother has the responsibility of the entire house on his shoulders, then how will he take my own responsibility. What if sister-in-law gets angry? That is why it is said that it is necessary to have a father. If only! Had father been alive today, I would have been able to express my feelings.

Moral Stories in English

Thinking in her mind, she wiped her tears and went and placed a pan on the stove. And after baking hot bread, he himself served it to those people. Because help is only given in words, no one actually comes to help.

By the time mother-in-law and sister-in-law finished eating, her husband Tarun also arrived. When Madhu ji gestured to prepare food for Tarun also, Damini served food for Tarun and brought it.

Tarun had just eaten a bite when suddenly he picked up the plate and threw it towards the door and shouted loudly,
“You have prepared this food. It’s been a month since you got married, but you still don’t know how to cook. You have put so little salt in the vegetable. Have you brought it to break the free bread? You don’t even pay attention to these things. You” Tarun was talking to Damini very rudely. Seeing this, Damini became more frightened. But neither Madhu nor Devika said anything.

“What are you looking at my face while standing here now? Pick up all this and make something good for me.”
At that very moment Damini started crying loudly. Seeing her crying, Tarun angrily moved towards her. But then Madhu ji came in between and started trying to stop Tarun. He asked Devika to take Damini inside.

Devika took Damini to her room. Madhu ji said from behind,
“What are you doing? Have you gone mad? Will you claim all the rights of being your husband in a single day? If you trouble me so much then you will leave everything and go away.”
“Hey mother who is not going anywhere. She is a daughter without a father. Brother and sister-in-law do not take any responsibility. And mother cannot do anything because she herself is dependent on her son and daughter-in-law. She has to bear this all her life. And then you are the only one. You say that by suppressing it, I have already raised my hand on it.

Moral Stories in English

“That’s fine, but for God’s sake, don’t spoil the atmosphere of the house. Whatever you want to do, do it in your room. Here, there is no need to raise your hand in front of everyone. If you want to eat something else, then order it from outside or else It’s enough to go out and eat, otherwise we’ll have to do all the household work. From”

At last, after being scolded by Madhu ji, Tarun went out of the house. Here Devika left Damini in her room and came to Madhu ji. So Madhu ji said,
“What happened? She became silent?”
“No, but she will shut up after crying. Now I can’t bear to watch any more drama. I am going to rest in my room.”
Saying this Devika went to her room. Meanwhile, Madhu ji closed the door of the house and picked up the thrown plate, collected the scattered food and went to keep it in the kitchen. Then she came to Damini and said,
“Don’t take Tarun’s words to heart, his anger is a bit sharp. Now, after three months of marriage, you have come to know this very well. Then why does he do such a thing that he raises his hand on you? His likes and dislikes. Adapt yourself to your husband. Don’t come in front of him with such a crying face. Don’t see how angry he gets when you cry.”

After listening to Madhu ji, Damini looked at him as if she was saying, what have I done that a hand is being raised against me. And instead of explaining to your son, you are explaining to me. But not even a single word came out of his mouth. Then Madhu ji said,
“Now wipe your tears and eat food. And clean the kitchen. I am going to rest.”
Madhu ji said her words and went to her room to rest. Damini kept wondering what kind of family this is. It is true that someone has said that woman is the enemy of woman. Everyone is trying to explain it to me, but it is not possible for me to explain it to my son.
Well somehow Damini got up. And after cleaning the kitchen, she quietly came and sat in the room. After all this he was not hungry. Just then his mobile rang. When I saw it was my mother’s phone. When he picked up the phone, his mother asked,
“Damini, son, how are you?”
“I’m fine mother. You tell me.”
“I am also fine. But your voice sounds strange.”
“Nothing mom, I just came back from work so I’m tired.”
“Okay listen, there is well worship tomorrow so it is important for you to be here. I had called your mother-in-law in the evening and told her, but could not tell you. You were probably working in the kitchen.”

Damini started thinking in her mind. How could my mother-in-law make me talk at that time? At that time his son was raising his hand on me. Then mother said,
“Talk to your sister-in-law. She wants to talk to you. She has been waiting for a long time to call Damini. I also want to talk.”
Saying this, mother gave the phone to sister-in-law.
“Hello Damini ji, please come early tomorrow morning. You have to get all the rituals done. After all, you are the aunt who stayed.”
Sister-in-law said chirpingly.
“Yes Bhabhi”
Damini’s short answer made sister-in-law suspicious. If the sister-in-law who always speaks openly with her sister-in-law gives such a simple answer, then it is natural to be suspicious. He asked softly,
“Is everything fine? If there is any problem, let me know.”
“No sister-in-law, everything is fine”
But sister-in-law did not agree. At last he said,
“Damini, it’s okay if you don’t want to tell me. I won’t force you to ask. I just want to say one thing. If there’s anything wrong with you that can’t be handled, you can come back. Don’t think that Papa is not there.” Brother-in-law will not fulfill the responsibility. This is your house and you can come back with full rights.

Moral Stories in English

As soon as sister-in-law said this, Damini started crying. But sister-in-law did not ask the reason for her crying. Just said this,
“Damini, now you are the honor of two families. You have to maintain the honor of your mother’s house and your in-laws’ house. Never do anything wrong. But if wrong is being done to you then do not tolerate it. Remember, you have to speak for yourself. “
“Yes Bhabhi”
Damini just said this and hung up the phone. He got a new energy from sister-in-law’s so many words. Got a new courage. He had come to know very well that there was still a place for him in his maternal home. Which was enough to awaken his courage. Now she was ready to face Tarun. She wiped her tears and packed her things in a bag. And booked a cab for myself.
But Tarun reached home before the cab. Madhu ji went and opened the door. Seeing Madhu ji in front, Tarun asked,

“Mummy, why did you open the door? Where did your daughter-in-law die? Couldn’t she have opened the door?”
“Is he always on fire? I was awake. When I came and opened the door, did something go wrong?”
Meanwhile, Damini came out with her bag. At first both of them stood surprised after seeing him with the bag. Then Tarun shouted and said,
“What new drama have you put on? Where are you going with the bag?”
“I am going to my parents’ home.”
Damini said.
“Who are you asking? How dare you?”
“What is the point of courage in this? You have to raise your voice for yourself.”
“Okay! You have got so much courage that you are raising your voice. How come so much voice suddenly comes out of your mouth? Brother and sister-in-law will keep you with them. You will have to travel around and come to your in-laws’ house.”
Tarun said with great sarcasm.
“Don’t have this misunderstanding. The door of my mother’s house is still open for me.”
Meanwhile Madhu ji said,
“Daughter-in-law doesn’t make such a fuss over small matters of her husband. He was upset that’s why he raised his hand on you. But you are dragging the matter like an eraser.”
“Mummy, I am not your son’s punching bag and he will beat me out of all the external problems. Someone has said the truth. The enemy of a woman is a woman. You are the one who is explaining to me. Will your daughter ever get married? If so, will you explain all this to him also?”
“How dare you talk to my mom like that.”

Saying this, Tarun moved towards Damini. But before Tarun could do anything, Damini slapped Tarun hard on his cheek. Everyone was surprised by this sudden slap. But Damini continued speaking,
“I am not weak, remember. If you raise your hand on me now, I will throw you in jail in a domestic violence case. I have tolerated a lot. But today even that limit has crossed. I don’t want to stay with you guys. This I am ending the relationship here.”
Saying this Damini went out of the house. Meanwhile the cab also arrived and she left for her parents’ home. But even before reaching her parents’ house, Damini filed a case of domestic violence against Tarun. Tarun was jailed due to domestic violence and on the basis of that, Damini easily got divorce.

Today Damini is standing on her feet. Brother and sister-in-law, seeing a good relationship, got her married for the second time, where she is happy and is living her life respectfully.

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